Hi, I’m Hannah!
I’m an avid lover all things home decor. I love creating beautiful spaces that are just as much functional as they are enjoyable.

My hope is to encourage you in how to design beautiful and practical spaces while giving you the tools necessary to accomplish that within the walls of your own home.
I love candles & fresh flowers, being a mom, stand-up paddle boarding, going on dates with my husband, and weekly game nights (I may be a bit of a nerd when it comes to board games).
I’m a thirty-something who seeks to both love the life I’m living and be intentional to live my best life (as far as it depends on me). I’m a person of “ideals.” I’m learning to build on my small accomplishments in order to actually be successful at living out my ideals/goals/dreams.

I’m so thankful to have celebrated 13 years of marriage this year to my husband and better half, Jayme! I’m also so incredibly thankful for my three children- Vasily (Va-see-lee), Jethro, and Scarlett. I’m blessed to be called their mama.
My husband is an adventure lover, and I prefer to be safe with both feet on the ground. I think it’s safe to say that we balance each other AND challenge one another.

We’re an active family who likes adventure in the sense of seeing new places and meeting new people. Throughout our marriage, we’ve lived in six states and moved a total of seven times and are recently moved into what we hope will be our forever home. Oh, and nope we’re not military as we commonly get asked!
When our oldest started grade school we planned to settle down to give our kiddos some stability. Well, that was the plan at least, but then Covid hit and our plans changed. We ended up in Northern Idaho, and then ultimately in North Carolina, where we currently live & plan to stay. While having kids young (I was 23) we hoped that we’d get to travel the world more during our forties- once our kids are grown. We definitely look forward to that one day, but as for today, we’re trying to soak up every day with our kiddos.

I’m so glad you’ve stopped by my blog! I hope that you find inspiration and encouragement here in bringing beauty into your every day both outwardly and inwardly!